Warren Commission Staff


Experts and people close to the events


Experts and people close to the events

"The Most Important Murder Case in World History"

The Kennedy Assassination-- Just about everybody knows something about it, and all have an opinion about what happened. Was it a lone gunman or conspiracy, “magic bullet” or the laws of physics, exhaustive investigation or government cover-up? Countless books and movies have sought to explain or expose the “truth” behind the events of November 22, 1963 while really mostly just muddying the waters. Popular fictional films dramatize events yet they are often considered factual and many misconstrue them as history.

On its face, the assassination of the President of the United States should have been a simple murder investigation. A suspect was arrested quickly, the murder weapon was found and linked to the presumed killer, and all of the forensic, physical and circumstantial evidence pointed directly at just one man—Lee Harvey Oswald. Had the victim been anyone other than John F. Kennedy, that likely would have been the end of it. But because of who he was, the tenor of the times, and a confluence of coincidences and mishaps, what should have been a simple investigation became anything but that.

Before the chaos in Dealey Plaza died down, thoughts of conspiracy began swirling. And since then, literally thousands of books, articles, television shows and films have sought to expose a conspiracy and espouse one theory after another. But none of these have relied on extensive interviews with the men who actually conducted the investigation, until now.